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West Coast Tour Day 10 - Thursday 29th November 2007

Writer's picture: Lesley McLarenLesley McLaren

Well today was pretty much stress free. We were able to stay at the hotel all day which meant we had internet access so we were happy. We were booked to do an interview for the Eric Blair TV show at 3.30pm. It was an interview with a difference though. The presenter is a make up artist and as part of the show, made up our faces which we absolutely loved (except Tippi who Frank said looked like a drag queen ha ha ha!) We had false eyelashes and stunning eye makeup so we were delighted - except Tippi. We were filmed as he got to work on our fizzers which was good fun. The makeup was done in our hotel to make things easier (mine and Tippi’s room to be precise since ours is always tidy. Gill and Rosie live in a midden. They even had a cockroach the other day that was destroyed on sight. I am not surprised by this as there are Ritz crackers strewn all over the worktops.

I was sitting in my usual chair in my room with the door slightly ajar behind me. I was updating the Bebo or something when suddenly, the door swung open and banged off the back of my chair. I looked up to see 2 guys walk in like pack horses, laiden with camera gear, lights and various bags. They walked right past the table and dumped their stuff on Tippi’s bed saying, “Camera crew!” as the charged past and then walked out. I was left sitting there looking bemused. Once everything was set up he got to work on our makeup. We looked great and went to the gig at Spaceland in Silverlake in style! Once at the gig we were interviewed for about 30 mins by Eric. They also filmed some of our soundcheck. It was an enjoyable afternoon topped off by a visit to a Thai Restaurant in Silverlake for dinner. I think that has been the best meal of the tour.

After we ate, we had a couple of hours to kill, so we trotted down to the Seven Eleven for a cerry-oot! Had to be done. We’re saving those PDs for Vegas! We had a couple of pre gig beers and had good chat with our booker, the lovely Ben and Ernesto, our even more lovely PR guy. We met some people who had been to see us at a gig in LA on the last tour and a band that we played with on the last tour also came along. It was good to see some familiar faces. We went on stage at about 11pm full of beans. It was a really good laugh actually although I don’t know why we were chuckling so much I just remember getting feeble hands which made it difficult to power through the set at times! There was good banter from Tippi on stage and the crowd really warmed to us. They were threatened, “If you don’t come down the front, then I’ll come to you!” It works everytime.

It’s funny for us to watch boys cringe when Tippi walks right up to them, singing every word in their ear. The victim usually does one of the following; Stares straight ahead fixing their eyes onto some object in the distance that has suddenly become really interesting; starts randomly texting on their mobile phone hoping that she’ll just go away; start gulping their pint as if they’ve been deprived of liquids for a week. It’s amusing to watch from the stage. If they’d just loosen up and dance alongside the Sparra they’d get off the hook much more quickly. They’ll learn one of these days!

Once the show was over, we jumped straight into the audience and charmed our way to selling off another box of CDs. We got a wee cerry-oot for the bus from the lovely barman (those promo CDs are excellent bargaining tools) and made our way back to the hotel. We were too hyper to go to sleep so all came into my room for a night cap. When the alarm went off this morning, it was an ugly moment. We’ll survive. We always do.

To the slots in Las Vegas. Yay!

Soup x


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