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Day 17 North America Tour - Friday 27th July 2007

Writer's picture: Lesley McLarenLesley McLaren

Updated: Jun 28, 2020

01:05 am

It’s been a long and eventful day. We’re currently in the van driving from Indianapolis to Chicago. We’ve just finished a gig and expect to be in Chicago by 3am. This is grim. We’ve got to be up at 7am to go and travel to Chicago City Centre to play a festival.

I really should try and close my eyes but I’ve got the bum deal at the moment. The seat at the side door is the one we all hate since the door is too far away to lean on and there isn’t a high back on the seat so you have to sit upright at all times Occasionally if tiredness takes over, you find yourself nodding forward and drooling in an extremely unattractive manner. It’s only on impact with the many potholes on American roads that you spring to attention again, wondering why your neck is sore and your face crusty with slevers.

Today was pretty good. The Simpsons movie was released today so once we were booted out the hotel in Indinapolis for the day, we took a wander to the cinema and booked tickets for the 2:30pm showing. It was absolutely hilarious. PDs well spent! Afterwards we hit the shopping mall and went mad! It was the first time we’d had the chance to go shopping and we loved every single second. We try and save up as much as we can before go to America as the clothes are outrageously cheap. Everything is half the price! I actually had to go and buy a new suitcase, not because I bought so many clothes beacause it bit the dust after too many tours. I managed to get a belter for $38 which is about £20. The prices are madness!

After the shopping we all met at 6pm to head to the gig. The venue was called Radio Radio and very cool indeed. After Tippi managed to work through various technical difficulties, we got the sound check done. All her equipment is breaking. So far the bridge on her guitar has buckled, an amp has blown up and various leads and a tuner have caused many problems. I think it put a dampener on the build up to the night but once we took to the stage, it was all forgotten about and we carried on regardless. It’s punk rock after all! Only 2 more shows til we go home and everything is falling apart; including us!

We had a good few hours to hang about before we went on so went to explore the adjoining building. We noticed there was 10 pin bowling so we went in for a look thinking we could get a game to pass the time. What a bizarre set up. There were 2 different alleys, one fully restored to a 1930s theme and the other to a 1950s theme. They looked amazing and had some brilliant memorabilia including a juke box that was about 50 years old. Unfortunately, it was too busy for a game so we headed back to the venue. On the way we spotted a really old fashioned theatre hall with swing dancing going on and everybody in costume. There was a fantastic swing band up on the stage keeping everyone’s steps in check. We thought we’d gone back in time or something.

By the time we got out the venue after losing the van keys and being hi-jacked by drunk people, it was 00:40. We knew we wouldn’t get to the hotel until about 3am. Not good.


We’re just waiting to check in and have the best news ever. The nice man on reception has just informed us that we should put our watches back to 2am since we have crossed into another time zone! Yes! An extra, much needed hour in bed. How lucky is that?!

Well I’m signing off now as my eyes are starting to cross over and I can no longer see what I’m typing properly.

Soup x

(absolutely no photos from this day except this one of our tour bus!)


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